We don’t want to be preachy or boring but this blog is where we share our values and experiences and write about the issues shaping the future of our businesses and our society. Catch a glimpse into our lives and find out what’s new in our world...

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Tweet Meaningfully: Sustainability Consult’s Social Media Tips

January’s interactive Sustainability Communications Lunch made clear that many Brussels-based sustainability communications professionals were keen to discuss social media in more depth. At this month’s Lunch, I gave some tips on how to tweet with a purpose, before inviting attendees to engage in a more wide-ranging debate.

Thursday, 20 February 2014

Five Tips For Framing Captivating Communications

Framing your communications is important if you want to engage your
Value Groups – Source: Common Cause 
audience.  This is even more vital when communicating on issues rather than marketing products or brands.

Here are five tips for framing communications successfully:

Friday, 14 February 2014

Why The Sharing Economy Offers A Bright Future

The sharing economy in action at The Big Swap
Charity shops and flea markets have long offered opportunities for sharing and recycling. Recently, though, an exciting new trend has crept into the mainstream. Called ‘The Sharing Economy’, new marketplaces, most of them online, encourage people to share rather than consume. 

The Sustainability Consult ‘Big Swap’ and ‘The Good Library’ are both examples of the sharing economy in action.

Thursday, 6 February 2014

Energy Is The Missing Link At Sochi

No end of Facebook and Twitter posts have been denouncing the gay rights situation in Russia, linking it to the Winter Olympics in Sochi. Stray dogs have been rounded up and destroyed, leading to further dismay online. Journalists have made us laugh with their tweets on the awful hotel accommodation in Sochi.

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

My First Month With Sustainability Consult

After a busy and exciting first month with Sustainability Consult, I’d like to share
A light show at the City Hall
my first experiences of living and working in the Belgian capital.