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Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Five Tips For Live-Tweeting

Many people are not aware of the power of live-tweeting.  It is an easy way to
How to tweet engaging
live updates
promote an organisation’s online presence and – if done well – generate meaningful content for your Twitter account.  When hosting or attending an event, it is well worth taking a fully-charged smartphone, tablet or laptop along and post some updates.

Below are five things you should keep in mind when planning to live-tweet at an event.

1/ Find the event hashtag and use it

If there isn’t an event hashtag, make one up.  Just keep it short as every character counts.  This will group all your tweets, allowing people searching for the event hashtag to find them.  It also makes it clear to your followers that you are tweeting about a certain event - not random soundbites!

2/ Tag speakers and companies in your tweets

This will not only make your presence known to those participating, but also increase your chances of being retweeted.

3/ Engage with other live-tweeters

Use the hashtag to search for others who are tweeting and start a conversation.  From there, you can always ask to take the conversation offline.

4/ Don’t over-tweet

You will overwhelm your regular followers who will not appreciate a barrage of decontextualised tweets.  While there is no optimal amount of tweets, you should decide where the balance lies between over-dominating the conversation and not contributing enough.

5/ Take pictures and incorporate them into your tweets

Tweets with Twitter pictures are 94% more likely to be retweeted so use that camera.

Blog by Bárbara Mendes-Jorge, Junior Consultant at Brussels-based sustainability communications and PR agency Sustainability Consult. 

Sustainability Consult offers social media packages alongside a range of other sustainability communications and PR services.  For more information, check out our website.

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