We don’t want to be preachy or boring but this blog is where we share our values and experiences and write about the issues shaping the future of our businesses and our society. Catch a glimpse into our lives and find out what’s new in our world...

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Sustainability Consult Cardboard Stand A Success At BIO World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology

Kathryn Sheridan and Zoe Volioti

Since we set up five years ago, Sustainability Consult has handled clients’ participation in events and exhibitions, even representing them on their stands at international trade events.  So it was high time we had our own stand and represented ourselves.  So, we did.  

We decided to have a stand at the biggest conference on the bioeconomy in North America.  Sustainability Consult exhibited at the 10th BIO World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology in Montreal, 16-19 June.  Inspired by our 2013 advertising, we created a cardboard stand featuring our wordcloud and new tagline ‘More than a communications agency.  A sustainability communications agency’.

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Sustainability Communications Lunch with Nuno Bacharel from @YourFormula

“Social Media is part of life”, advised Nuno Bacharel at the latest Sustainability Communications Lunch on Monday.

Nuno Bacharel is communications conselor at Cefic and Editor-in-Chief of YourFormula.  YourFormula aims to pull together the best of sustainable thinking in the chemistry sector.  It is a platform for young scientists which is looking for young, fresh ideas to help build a future where everyone can play a role. 

Friday, 14 June 2013

Discover the Power of Wind Energy on Global Wind Day, 15 June 2013

Sustainability Consult is delighted to welcome a guest post by Zoë Casey, Blog Editor at the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA).  With the Global Wind Energy Council, EWEA coordinates Global Wind Day.

Global Wind Day – you may have heard of it, or you may be one of the 29,000 people who have ‘liked’ Global Wind Day’s Facebook page, but what is it all about?  It’s a day for taking the energy debate – switching to renewables from fossil fuels, supporting wind power – out of the realm of policy and into the real world.  In short, Global Wind Day is the international annual day – on 15 June – for discovering wind power.

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

News Round-Up – Reactions to GRI G4 Guidelines

An update to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) G3.1 sustainability reporting guidelines was recently announced at the world’s biggest conference on sustainability reporting.  Founded in 1997, GRI is a non-profit organisation aiming to promote and harmonise sustainability reporting globally through the provision of standards, which are now used by over 11,000 companies worldwide.  GRI claims that their new G4 guidelines have increased user-friendliness and accessibility - but does everyone agree with them?

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Brands are the Solution at Sustainable Brands '13

Sustainability Consult CEO Kathryn Sheridan attended the Sustainable Brands '13 conference in San Diego and was lucky enough to take part in the Big Brand Debate run by Futerra.  The group was split into those who believe that brands can be part of the solution in solving the societal challenges we face and those who believe that brands got us into this mess and they can't get us out of it.  

Saturday, 8 June 2013

World Oceans Day 2013: Five Big Problems Faced by Our Seas

Source: worldoceansday.org
Oceans are a great source of inspiration, food and even renewable energy.  However, we treat them like an enormous dumping ground and forget that we are submitting our seas to some serious stress.  World Oceans Day on 8 June 2013 reminds us that our seas can be more fragile that we often think.