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Friday, 4 January 2013

Five Everyday Eco Challenges

Some parts of trying to live more sustainably are more challenging than others.  These are some of the issues we’re facing down in the everyday.

  1.    Avoiding food waste – Too much food is wasted worldwide and although we consume local, healthy food as much as possible, there are still times when you end up skipping meals or going out for dinner and the food sits sadly in the back of the fridge, ending up in the compost, or even worse, in the landfill.

2.    Not driving in the city – When the weather is bad, you’re running late or you’re not going far, it can be tempting sometimes to jump in the car instead of using public transport or going on foot or by bike.  We reimburse our Team for commuting to work by bike to encourage more sustainable transport practices.  We find they don’t actually need to be encouraged though.

3.    Educating your community and household – This is a tricky one – finding the right balance between raising awareness and preaching.  Yet we live and work in a community.  So how can we engage at local level and make a difference?

4.    Washing at low temperatures – This is a personal struggle for some of us.  You’re convinced that a quick wash at 30 degrees with eco laundry detergent does the job perfectly well but the people you share your space with (they know who they are!) think that at least two hours at 40 degrees and biological wash powder is necessary.

5.    Reducing unnecessary packaging – When you shop at the farmers’ market, there is usually very little packaging but if your working hours or preferences lead you to the supermarket on a weekly basis, it’s hard to get away without excessive packaging.  We understand why it’s used as it prolongs the shelf life of foods but you can choose products where the packaging can be recycled, bearing in mind that in Brussels plastic film and polystyrene cannot be recycled.  Catch up, Brussels please…

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