Following on from our donation to Pump Aid last Christmas, Sustainability Consult will this year give its support to Solar Aid, a charity which brings solar power to villages in Africa. Our donation will go towards the 'Solar for Children' project in rural Tanzania, effectively providing electricity for 60 school children.
We really believe in this project as it not only provides materials and training to help villagers become more self-sufficient in their energy supply, but will also reduce carbon emissions and improve indoor air quality. Last year, we helped bring clean water to an African village freeing up more time for study and entrepreneurship and we believe bringing clean electricity into a small community can do the same, as well as bringing significant health and environment benefits. Less firewood will be burned and kerosene lamps will no longer be the only source of light.
Solar Aid
SolarAid aims to enable the world's poorest people to have clean, renewable power. Solar power leads to better education, health, safety and income by allowing poor communities to cook, pump water, run fridges, store vaccines, light homes, schools, clinics and businesses, power computers and homes, farm more effectively, and much more.
For more information, see
From the Sustainability Consult Network, I would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas and all the best for a happy, healthy 2010,
Photo: Solar Aid
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