We don’t want to be preachy or boring but this blog is where we share our values and experiences and write about the issues shaping the future of our businesses and our society. Catch a glimpse into our lives and find out what’s new in our world...

Thursday, 25 July 2013

Eurobarometer Findings Are Shaky At Best

Source: Flickr
People who answer surveys lie.  It’s due to something called the Social Desirability Bias which means that they present the best version of themselves, especially on morally-charged issues like drinking, sex or the environment.

The July 2013 Eurobarometer ‘Attitudes of Europeans Towards Building The Single Market For Green Products’ seems to have fallen foul of the Social Desirability Bias and as such, I believe the results should be taken with a large pinch of salt. 

Thursday, 4 July 2013

Show You Care by Asking for the WindMade Product Label

Our client WindMade has recently launched a consumer label for products made from wind power. Communications Director Angelika Pullen has written a guest blog about the label and its accompanying Show You Care campaign, helping consumers ask brands to create their products with wind power.

We’ve done it! Finally, after many months of deliberations with technical experts, environmental NGOs and potential user companies, and after various round of corporate and public consultations, we’re proud to present the WindMade Product Label!

Monday, 1 July 2013

My Work Experience At Sustainability Consult

Boris Arnold is currently a student intern at our office.  We asked him to write a blog about himself and his time working at Sustainability Consult.

I attend the European School of Brussels and I am 15 years old.  I’m interested in environmental issues which we cover extensively in geography, one of my favourite subjects.