We don’t want to be preachy or boring but this blog is where we share our values and experiences and write about the issues shaping the future of our businesses and our society. Catch a glimpse into our lives and find out what’s new in our world...

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Parliament Votes to Support Global Health R&D

Source DSW

The European Parliament’s Industry, Research and Energy Committee (ITRE) voted today on the new research and innovation framework programme Horizon 2020 which will start in 2014.  The new seven-year Horizon 2020 funding programme will replace the FP7 programme (the Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development) which runs until 2013.

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Paving the Way to 2050: European Ceramic Industry Launches Roadmap

As part of its 50th anniversary, Cerame-Unie, the European ceramic industry association, today launched its Roadmap to 2050.  Entitled ‘Paving the Way to 2050’, the Ceramic Roadmap aims to kick start the debate on the future of the ceramic industry, the emissions reductions which are possible and the technology needed to make the reductions a reality. 

Friday, 23 November 2012

European Week for Waste Reduction

Source ewwr.eu

This week is the fourth edition of the European Week for Waste Reduction (EWWR).  This initiative reminds us to reduce waste in our everyday lives.

The European Week for Waste Reduction aims to organise multiple actions and to inform the greatest number of European citizens about the simple actions that can be taken in the everyday to help contribute to waste reduction.

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Picnic on the Streets for More Sustainable Living

Source KAURI
This week, we attended KAURI’s event celebrating its fifteenth anniversary.  KAURI is a Belgian CSR organisation.

All the presentations were brilliant but I was really inspired by one of the speakers, the Belgian Professor Philippe Van Parijs.  As he was fed up with cars taking over public spaces, he wrote an article asking people to come to boulevard Anspach in the centre of Brussels every Sunday for a picnic in the road. 

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

TEDx Brussels: Bits, Atoms, Neurons, Genes - Bang Bang

Bang Bang, TEDx came to town.  This year's amazing TEDx Brussels was all about science, entrepreneurship, health and education.  This was a recipe for success as the event had a full house of over 2,200 of curious minds, a stage full of astonishing speakers and a dedicated TEDx Team.  TEDx Brussels 2012 was as high-level as any TED event, with the advantage of having a pinch of Made in Belgium stories. 

Friday, 2 November 2012

Bikes in Our Everyday Lives


I never was a car person.  Buying a car was an idea somewhere on the edge of my mind, something I might do one day.  But after many years I now ask myself, “Do I really need one?”

Three months ago I discovered ‘Villo’, the city biking scheme in Brussels.  I knew how to ride a bike but I was always nervous to use one in my everyday life.